
Madvillainy album facts
Madvillainy album facts

Doom spits like he has the encyclopedia of pop culture memorized word for word.

madvillainy album facts

Mint Test") and declares himself America’s Most Blunted. As if it weren’t bizarre enough to write a diss track about your other personality, Doom tries to top himself with songs about the horrors of a chick with bad breath (“Operation: Lifesaver A.K.A. Not to be outdone, Viktor Vaughan (one of MF Doom’s other identities) takes a few shots at his other persona on “Fancy Clown," a phone conversation between a love spurned Vaughan and his woman, who cheats on him with “tin crown face", MF Doom. The lyrics are very atypical, non-rhyming (and might not amount to much except to those in altered states) and the syncopated beat is a bit daunting but the track is definitely a unique twist that works fairly well as a whole. The track is an example of sum-of-parts-greater-than-the-parts-themselves theme which perhaps defines the effort. Whispering vocals echo behind the verses and float in the smoke along with flutes and scratches. Madlib’s helium-voiced alter-ego, Quasimoto drops some Sun Ra-influenced philosophy on “Shades of Tomorrow," a droning number that has Madlib and Lord Quas wandering through a haze of stoned meanderings like “Yesterday belongs to the dead/Because the dead belongs to the past/The past is yesterday". The duo also share a penchant for multiple personalities, many of which make guest appearances on Madvillainy. This style molds perfectly around Doom’s monochromatic garble and the album is dressed appropriately for the occasion Doom’s foreboding portrait stares back from the cover, Madlib on the back, looks on knowingly. It's far from minimalist but his technique here might fall somewhere between a more earthy Dan the Automator and a less apocalyptic El-Producto. Despite hailing from Oxnard, California, Madlib’s style is reminiscent of East Coast beat producers in a gritty, almost unpolished sense.

madvillainy album facts

A lo-fi affair, Madlib revisits the shades of blue he touched upon with his Blue Note-inspired/sampled release and the work of his fictional jazz unit, Yesterday’s New Quintet. The love of jazz the two have is most apparent in Madlib’s production. Following a string of underground releases in the past few years, 2004 gives way for three MF Doom releases, the most notable project, Madvillain, a pairing of MF Doom with another eccentric underground hip hop figure, Madlib.īoth Madlib and MF Doom have a lot in common, which makes the collaboration feel like the two have been partners for years. Doom’s slurred, almost zen-like game is the result of years of mostly unrecognized efforts, from early 90's work with his late brother, DJ Sub-roc to his solo revival in part thanks to Bobbito Garcia’s NY-based Fondle ‘em record label. I suppose that’s part of the attraction of MF Doom, who could probably give a certain college dropout a run for the crown of the hardest working man in hip hop. If it sounds a bit odd (see: nerdy) that a rapper would pattern his career after a comic book character. Armed with an encyclopedic, hyper-referential flow and a crusty-*** metal mask, MF Doom will not rest until he is known as the “best emcee with no chain that you ever heard" Metal-faced conquerors, though? Sure, why not? Tormented by the cruel and horrible world of corporate hip hop, Daniel Dumile (a.k.a Zev Love X) is rejected by the world, only to return as the bitter, jaded, probably a little stoned, MF Doom. Of course, in the real world, there are no time machines, no Doombots, no Latveria. Though his foes stand firm in his way, Doom’s genius and ingenuity service him well, making him a villain unmatched.

madvillainy album facts

A man of great intellect scarred by horrible circumstances and driven towards abject enmity, Victor Von Doom continually threatens the Marvel Comics Universe to surrender to his will or suffer the consequences.

Madvillainy album facts